Here's a cool little illusion, borrowed from
John Sadowski, of some deer on Miyajima Island during our 2002 trip to Japan. I couldn't make it fit in the blog, so click
this link to see it in action. Before you click, here are the directions: first, keep your mouse cursor
off the image. Try hovering over it once or twice and notice that if you hover, the picture turns to black and white. Keeping the cursor off of the image, stare at the black dot in the center for 30 seconds, without moving your head or eyes.
While continuing to stare at the dot, move the mouse back over the image -- voila, you should be able to see color! The color will remain as long as you don't move your eyes.
ha ha (don't I wish I saw this back in Mississippi)! Nice pix, my roomie has something like this too from his trip to Japan a couple years ago.
take care
-Deer Hunter Hiron-
LOL, that would be akin to shooting fish in a barrel, wouldn't it?
ha ha ... fish in a barrel!! What interesting concept! Hope y'all doing well!
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